Volunteer Fire Department Fundraising Platform Raise Money

For a bonus, you might position this item as a “date night” package and include a gift certificate to a favorite romantic restaurant as well. To many students, the principal is almost like a superhero, so it’s definitely an exciting option. Consider adding a fast food meal of choice at lunchtime to sweeten the deal for an extra perk. When choosing items for your live auction consider, what prizes would your audience want to bid competitively over?
To turn this into an online fundraiser, try using the Facebook tagging functionality. For example, you could have your donors tag 10 of their friends and ask them to donate too, visibly demanding their attention. To take your standard contribution letters to a new level, give chain fundraising letters a go. Reach out to a local university or college and see if you can organize a doggie date event or a rent-a-pup extravaganza. Make sure you’re fully aware of all the campus rules before proceeding with organizing this fundraiser.
For example, if your organization consists of community-oriented parents, consider partnering with a local family eatery for gift cards to feed the whole family. Alternatively, if your attendees tend to be older, perhaps they’d enjoy fine jewelry or memorabilia. T-shirt fundraisers are a great fundraiser for mission trips because they allow you to raise money for your trip while offering your supporters something tangible in return.
At specific checkpoints, volunteers will spray them with water-based paint or throw water balloons containing paint at them. Raise money by charging a participation fee or by getting sponsors to pledge money for each lap completed. Have students pay a dollar or two to guess how many jellybeans are in the jar. At the end of a week of guessing, announce the winner – the person who guessed the number closest to the number of jellybeans in the jar.
You can choose to give up something as simple as a daily latte, a weekly trip to the movies, or a fast food visit. All you have to do is ask people to submit copies of their favorite baby photos. Then, pin the photos on a bulletin board with corresponding numbers. Once the holidays roll around, it feels like everyone is in a mad dash to buy and wrap presents for everyone on their list. Additionally, you can sell other items like ribbon and wreath hooks.
Choose a cause that your neighbors will be likely to support, and make sure you’ve done your research about any local permits you might need. Invite participants to a wine tasting event and charge an entry fee. Offer samples of different types of wines, from white and red to sparkling and rosé.
Take a step into the digital world and offer selfies with firefighters instead. Let people know that if they stop by, they can get a shot with one of your firefighters to share with their friends and family on social media for a nominal charge or donation. You may also want to let kids have their photos taken on your fire truck or while sliding down your pole. Polling the members of your community on social media is a good idea when trying to come up with fundraising ideas.
Securing recurring gifts is the best way to ensure a steady flow of fundraising revenue year-round, even when you don’t have a campaign running. Crowdfunding campaigns are perfect for raising money for a cause that’s close to your heart, and one you believe others would be interested in donating to. Use your church’s donations platform as a crowdfunding hub, where people can tithe and add comments and messages of support. Here’s an example of what an effective online donation page looks like.
Hi-Chew® is one of the fastest-growing candy brands in the U.S., and when people taste the incredible flavors of a Hi-Chew® candy, they come back for more. With this fun (and delicious) fundraiser, your group can earn up to 75% profit. People are always looking for something fun and safe to do on Halloween and even during the weeks leading up to this spooky holiday. Consider turning your fire department into a creepy haunted house. You can host something not-so-scary for people of all ages to enjoy,
or you can host something deliciously frightening. Just be Protfitable fire department fundraising ideas about what the community can expect on your promotional materials.